About Not Perfect Yet Publishing

Not Perfect Yet Publishing and NPYbook.store @ Shopify serves four groups of people:

1) Readers of Historical Fiction, especially those who appreciate well researched books set in Biblical times. Bethany’s people are everyday people, who find their lives transformed by their friendship with Jesus of Nazareth.

2) Church Leaders, both lay and clergy, who are looking for resources that deal with practical issues; such as leadership burnout, lack of spiritual passion, how to build interest in mission and outreach, how to keep moving forward in times of uncertainty and transition, etc.

3) Creative worship leaders interested in using drama to tell the Gospel story. NPY provides not only scripts, but also support for adapting the material to your location and available cast members. 

4) Individuals and congregations experiencing major change. Resources, such as, The Church Transition Workbook and Reality Check 101 provide a process for lowering congregational anxiety and responding in a healthy way to unexpected change. The book, Going Home, is a resource for those individuals facing the great transition at the end of our earthly lives. More self-help resources will be coming in 2025.


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One of the reasons that Not Perfect Yet Publishing was developed was to provide congregations and individuals easier access to material that traditional publishers restrict by copyright. The books and plays published here are still protected by copyright, but a more generous interpretation is permitted by the authors that is in line with the Creative Commons movement. All commercial rights are reserved by Not Perfect Yet Publishing and its authors.

Individuals and congregations, however, may make fair use of any content on this website or in books published by Not Perfect Yet Publishing without contacting our authors with the following stipulations:

1) 250 words of text (about a page) may be freely copied.

2) Text and tables labeled as group exercises or resource sheets may be copied in full (Please keep the header/footer attributions with the material).

3) Churches may make “one time use” copies of individual chapters and the discussion questions to provide for those that attend their small group discussions.

4) Blog posts may be copied and shared, provided the meaning or intent of the post is not altered. Similarly, any images with the (c)Bill Kemp watermark may be copied and/or projected. 

Further, our intention is to be a support to you in your ministry and daily lives. Contact us any  questions. We provide generous discounts on bulk orders and will work with you to provide any supplemental material or study guides you need.