eBook Judas Returns to the Upper Room
eBook Judas Returns to the Upper Room
By Not Perfect Yet Book Store
He let me play my little part until the end. What have I done? Is there water here that will wash away my sin?
Judas returns to the upper room where he shared Jesus's last supper with the disciples. Judas describes to the Innkeeper and the audience the events of the last supper and shares his feelings about his betrayal of Jesus.
Judas Returns to the Upper Room is a 10 minute play appropriate for Lent with two actors. The drama is easily performed in the chancel with minimal stage requirements. Purchasing the script grants permission for unlimited performances.
10 pg, eBook and PDF are downloaded through Bookfunnel
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Not Perfect Yet Publishing believes that plays are an essential tool to immerse yourself and your church into the bible. Hearing and seeing the events will rekindle your spiritual passion.