E-Book: Mary Sees All by Bill Kemp
E-Book: Mary Sees All by Bill Kemp
Mary Sees All: The Race to Save Jesus from the Cross is a fast-paced historical fiction set near Jerusalem during the fateful week that Jesus was crucified. Mary has a unique point of view, a lyrical voice, and a gift for drama. Both outrageous and outcast, she is an unforgettable heroine.
This novel takes place in the two weeks between Jesus's resurrection of Lazarus and his own crucifixion. It really does describe a race to keep Jesus from dying. Each of Jesus’ friends have their own gifts to give and their own adventure live. They each hope to be successful in preventing Jesus’ execution. My retelling of Holy Week reaffirms the courage of otherwise common people. In the final chapters both the reader and these biblical characters are brought to a deeper, more authentic understanding of God’s grace.
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Book Two: Martha Finds Rest - picks up the story from her older sister's point of view, starting with the dangerous Saturday following Jesus' death, then resting on Easter Sunday, before forty days of post-resurrection chaos.
Other books in the series will travel back to the rise of Herod the Great, the Ministry of John the Baptist, and the death of Lazarus. Then it's on with the final two books which look at Paul from Mark's point of view and recounts the apocalyptic end of the Jewish homeland.
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